Also appears to have pushed it too far. In the traditions of her grandson in an attempt to stand out and make the news look like an extra from the production of all the Star Wars toys, and bleached the pop star Lady Gaga is now her hair many times it appeared the beginning of the fall. At the age of young people from 24, and reports from The Sun newspaper: "The symbol is already facing consequences because of the addiction to fashion. Because it is white hair a lot so that it is falling (and) now has" to get a haircut chemical because my hair is blond and fall. "." So far it looks as if we had ourselves a new addition to the ranks of baldom, and we here in the bald celebrity welcome them with open arms, shaking hands or if she wears a strict raw meat at the time. Gaga better luck, and I'm sure you will pass it off and another fashion statement foolish.
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